CityU Hall2 IT Team Workshop

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Our workshops

Workshop 1 WordCloud & Text generator


  • Python is a high-level, structured, open-source programming language that can be used for a wide variety of programming tasks. Python was created by Guido Van Rossum in the early 1990s; its following has grown steadily and interest has increased markedly in the last few years or so. It is named after Monty Python’s Flying Circus comedy program.
  • Python is used extensively for system administration (many vital components of Linux distributions are written in it); also, it is a great language to teach programming to novices. NASA has used Python for its software systems and has adopted it as the standard scripting language for its Integrated Planning System. Python is also extensively used by Google to implement many components of its Web Crawler and Search Engine & Yahoo! for managing its discussion groups.
  • Python within itself is an interpreted programming language that is automatically compiled into bytecode before execution (the bytecode is then normally saved to disk, just as automatically, so that compilation need not happen again until and unless the source gets changed). It is also a dynamically typed language that includes (but does not require one to use) object-oriented features and constructs

Why learn python?

  • There’s a reason why Python is so popular. It’s versatile, powerful, and a community of supporters makes it great as a first language. From web development to data visualization, start here if you want to become a programmer or do more with data.
  • Great feature of Python is its availability for all platforms. Python can run on Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and all Linux distributions with ease. This makes the programs very portable, as any program written for one platform can easily be used on another.

Where to start?

  • You are at the right place. The coding workshops offered by Hall 2 IT team will equip the students with necessary skills required for the python programming, but not limited to syntax, problem solving and logic building. Through a series of workshop you will get equipped with everything necessary for the foundation of the Python.
  • Please learn the basic syntax of the Python before attending the first workshop. The syntax of python is very simple that it is similar to conversational language. For instance, in C++ to print something, we use “cout”, where as in python, we simply use “print”.

    Useful Link:

    Codecademy (Please finish chapter 1 and 2)

    Python CheatSheet